第一屆加中藝術橋書畫大賽 (2014年)
1. Objectives目標:
To promote the development of Chinese artworks, to foster the beauty of Chinese artworks, to encourage diversity of styles and creation in artworks and to promote intercultural exchange in Canada.
2. Organizers主辦單位:
Canada Chinese Arts Bridge Association
3. Endorser 贊同機構:
Ministry of Multiculturalism, Canada
4. Co-Organizer 協辦單位:
國際畫廊、溫哥華華人藝術家協會、加拿大中華文化藝術總會、 加 拿大藝術家聯盟
International Arts Gallery、Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver、Chinese Culture Arts Association of Canada and Federation of Canadian Artists
5. Organizing Committee 籌委會成員:
主席: | 陳淑雄 |
秘書: | 陳莫慧賢 |
執行顧問: | 王健教授、李盈教授、楊志豪 |
財務: | Ella Ha , Yvonne ZHAO |
籌募小組: | 李王海蘋、洪子珺、胡振秋、Ella Ha |
規章小組: | 張恆、洪子珺、李王海蘋 |
行政小組: | 劉長富、張恆、周亭 |
宣傳小組: | 阿濃、葉國權、陳莫慧賢 |
出版小組: | 阿濃、劉長富 |
總務小組: | 陳莫慧賢、Ella Ha、葉國權 |
比賽結果我們已於十一月十日(星期一)至十一月十三日(星期四)通過電郵及電話通知所有參賽者,如有疑問請致電:604-569-1886 或電郵 何宏宏先生聯絡。
News Updates
Final adjudication of 2014 Canada Chinese Arts Bridge Arts Competition has been completed!
The final adjudication for winners of our competition is concluded. Our executive committee has resolved to accept the adjudication of our panel of judges for the winners selected, and all the winning pieces have been published on the website (Selected Artworks).
We have notified the final results of the competition to all participants by email or telephone between 10th November (Monday) and 13th November (Thursday).
If you have any questions please call Mr. Hong He: 604-569-1886 or email
經評審委員會審核後, 獲挑選進入復賽階段的作品為書法組29張,國畫組34張,及西畫組32張。
我們已於十月七日(星期一)用電郵及電話將評審結果通知各參賽者。又請各進入覆賽人士將作品原作於十月二十二日 (星期三) 當日或前送至國際畫廊辦理,辦公時間每日下午一時至五時。
如有任何疑問和垂詢請致電:604-569-1886 或電郵 何宏宏先生聯絡。
- 所有作品需按送件規定 (參考網址 嚴格執行,以示公允,違規者不獲參選資格;
- 請按規定將覆審送件表格填寫完整並打印出來,然後張貼在參賽作品背後右上角,方為有效;
- 大會不接受任何在交至大會前有損毀之作品,參賽者須負責運送之安全及完整;
- 主辦方不會為參賽作品投保,除因大會之疏忽構成損毀之損失以加幣作品每件不超三佰元補償為限外,不負責任何作品之損失,參賽者欲再加保障得自購保險;
- 在評審委員會要求下,個別參賽者可能被邀請出席面見評審;
** 附覆審送件表格>>>>下載表格
First Stage Screening of 2014 Canada Chinese Arts Bridge Arts Competition has been completed!
Participation to the Competition has been enthusiastic, with a total of 186 entries! There are 44 entries to the Chinese Calligraphy Category; 64 entries to the Chinese Painting Category and 78 entries to the Western Painting Category.
After preliminary review by the Panel of Judges, 29 pieces of artworks from the Chinese Calligraphy Category; 34 art works from the Chinese Paintings Category and 32 art works from the Western paintings Category have been selected to enter the Final Stage of review.
We have already informed by email and phone calls on 7 October 2014 (Monday) the applicants selected to enter the Final Contest. Participants are requested to follow our stipulated procedures and rules here below, to deliver the original artworks to the International Arts Gallery the latest by 22nd October (Wednesday), within the hours of 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
For any enquiries please call Mr. Hong Hong HE at 604-569-1886 or email him at
Rules and Regulations for Delivery of Art Works for Final Contest:
- All artworks delivery shall strictly comply with the regulations for delivery (reference to web-site: Those who do not comply with our regulations may be disqualified.
- All artworks must be accompanied by completed Final Contest Application Form adhered to the right upper corner at the back of the artwork as stipulated.
- We will not accept any damaged art works, applicants have to ensure that they are intact and not damaged when reaching us.
- We will not insure for any artwork entering the Competition, and shall only be responsible for damages and losses caused by our negligence to the extents of $300 per art piece. If applicants should arrange their own insurance if they wish to have further protection to their artworks.
- Applicants may be required to attend an interview if so requested by the Penal of Judges.
** Artwork Delivery Form attached>>>>Download

21 July (Monday) - 26 September 2014 (Friday) – Dates for submission of Artwork for preliminary stage selection
8 October 2014 (Wednesday) – Announcement of result of Preliminary Stage Selection and notification sent out to contestants entering the Final Stage Selection
9 October (Thursday) - 22 October 2014 (Wednesday) – Dates for submission of original Artwork for Final Stage Selection
25 October to end of November 2014 – Final Stage Selection and/or Interview with contestants, if necessary
30 November 2014 (Sunday) – Announcement of award art pieces and winners
End of 2014 or beginning of 2015 (date to be confirmed) – Exhibition of winning and selected Artworks and Award Presentation Ceremony at International Arts Gallery
作業時程 :
2014年7月21日 (星期一) 至 9月26日 (星期五) 或前:初選收稿
2014 年10 月8日 (星期三) 或前:公佈初選評選結果及通知複審入圍參賽者
2014年 10月9日 (星期四) 至10月22日 (星期三) 或前:複審收稿
2014 年10月25日 至11月下旬:複審及接見及評核名次
2014 年11月30日 (星期日) 或前: 公佈大賽得獎名單