1932年生於北京昌平。中國油畫家、藝術教育家,兼擅長書法。1953年畢業於北京中央美術學院繪畫系,並任教於武漢中南美專。1955年由國家選派赴蘇聯列賓美術學院留學,專攻油畫。1960年回國,任教於廣州美術學院。歷任廣州美術學院油畫系副主任、美術教育系主任、副院長(1983-85年)、院長(1985-92年)。並曾任中國美術家協會理事、中國油畫學會理事、廣東省美協副主席。1986年起歷任國家教育部藝術教育委員會第一、第二及第三屆委員、專家講學團成員。1992年被聘為國務院學位委員會藝術學科組成員。1995年應聘為中國書畫家聯誼會藝術顧問。1996年被聘為國際美術家聯合會名譽副主席。1999年獲俄羅斯列賓美術學院榮譽教授銜和俄羅斯政府文化部授予普希金獎章獎狀。2007年被聘為中央文史書畫院研究員。自上世紀六十年代起先後在廣州、武漢、天津、杭州、深圳、香港、澳門、溫哥華等地舉辦個人油畫、書法展五十餘次,油畫、粉畫、書法作品均多次參加全國性的大型展覽及出國展覽,多件作品刊行於國內外出版物。書法作品刻石於多處碑林和名勝古蹟風景區。出版的專集有:《郭紹綱素描選集》、《郭紹綱油畫選集》、《郭紹綱油畫風景寫生》、《郭紹綱——平和中的隱秀》、《郭紹綱素描》、《郭紹綱油畫》、《郭紹綱•賞珍集》、《郭紹綱從藝六十年畫集》及《郭紹綱油畫近作選》等。出版的專著有:《素描基礎知識》、《油畫基礎知識》、《美術教育方法論》、《素描基礎教學》、《油畫基礎教學》。在藝術及藝術教育方面得到評論文章七十餘篇,傳略及作品入編國內、國家多部典籍。油畫“戴紅帽的女青年”2007年被評為廣東美協五十年五十件經典作品之一,及十大最具影響力的作品之一。作品藏於廣州美術學院美術館、廣東省美術館、中國美術館等處。2009年先後在廣州和北京舉辦“從藝六十週年個人作品展”, 並獲得中國文聯頒發“從事新中國文藝工作六十年”榮譽證書和紀念章。
Guo Shaogang was born in 1932 Changping, Beijing. He is a famous oil painter, art educator and a Chinese calligrapher. He was admitted into the Beijing Art Academy in 1949. In 1953, he graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in painting and later taught in Zhongnan Art Academy in Wuhan. In 1955, Guo Shaogang was selected and sent by the China government to St. Peters berg, Russia, where he furthers his study in oil painting. In 1960, he came back to China and taught at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He became the Chief Administrator of the Oil Painting Department, and the Visual Art Education Department. Afterward, he was nominated to be an Associate Dean from 1983 to 1985, and Dean from 1985 to 1992. He was elected to be the Counselor Member of China Artists Association and the China Oil Painting Association. He also became the Vice-Chairman for the Guangdong Artist Association. From 1986, he successfully acted as the commissioner in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd committee as well as the member of an expert lecture team. In 1991, he was selected to be a member of the China Painters Association. He was also invited to be the Honor Vice-Chairman of International Artists Association in 1996. Three years later, he was awarded Honor Professor from the Russia Lebin Academy of Fine Arts and won the Pushkin Prize from the Culture Department of Russia Government. Shaogang Guo is currently a consultant for the Chinese Calligraphy Association of China. He is also an honorary member of the Historic and Cultural Centre in China. Since 1960's, Guo Shaogang has had over fifty solo-shows where his oil paintings and calligraphy were exhibited in Guangzhou, Wuhan, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, HongKong, Beijing, Vancouver and elsewhere. Some of his works were displayed overseas and published in magazines. His published books include: Selected Sketches of Guo Shaogang, Selected Paintings of Guo Shaogang, Guo Shaogang - Shang Zhen Ji, The Oil Paintings of Guo Shaogang, Selected Paintings in 60 years. His published literary works include: Sketching Techniques, Oil Painting Techniques, Practical Theories of Art Education, Sketching Techniques Manuel, and Oil Painting Techniques Manuel. He has got over seventy thesis for his Visual Art and Art Education since then. In 2007, his painting titled: The Red Head Girl, was selected by Guangdong Artists Association as one of the best works in the past fifty years and voted to be one of the top ten influential art piece in Guangdong.
(All prices may be adjusted, and subject to contract 所有價錢可能調整,以協定為準)
Girl in Pink
Oil Painting
16X20 inch
非賣品 Not For Sale
Oil Painting
18X14 inch
非賣品 Not For Sale
Woods of Backyard
Oil Painting
30X40 inch
非賣品 Not For Sale
Fraser River Under Sunset
Oil Painting
29.5 X 23 inch